Tech Tool Talk: Rescue Time

Tech Tool Talk: Rescue Time


In our newest blog post for Tech Tool Time, we have found an app that can help increase productivity for you instantly. Today we are going to focus on Rescue Time.

What is RescueTime?
Rescue Time is an app that runs in the background of your computer while you work. It will continually track your daily habits on your computer. At the end of the day, you can see your results and see where you may be misusing your time.

Why Should I Use RescueTime?
You will be amazed at how much time you spend being distracted by websites and apps that do no pertain to work. You may think five minutes is not so bad, but you may do that 10 to 15 times a day. When you see how much time is wasted in black and white right in front of you, you get a reality check.

How Does RescueTime Work?
RescueTime runs in the background of your computer so you don't even know it's there while you are working. It tracks how much time you spend on different apps and websites so you know exactly where you spent your work day. You can set alerts on your computer when you spend too much time on an activity, block apps and sites so they will not distract you, and get reports at the end of the day to see what you have accomplished.

How Much Does RescueTime Cost?
RescueTime Lite is free for anyone. This includes setting goals, tracking time on websites and apps, and a weekly progress report. You  can get RescueTime Premium where you can track time away from the computer, alerts when you achieve goals, block distracting websites, and more. For these added features, it will run you $9 or $72 a year.

For more information, visit RecueTime's website.

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