Tech Tool Talk: Last Pass

Tech Tool Talk: Last Pass


In Tech Tool Talk, our latest blog series, we will be featuring different technology tools that will both make your life easier and also increase productivity. The tools that are featured on Tech Tool Talk are tools we've discovered and are excited to share with you. Some tools we even use ourselves. Our featured tech tool this time is LastPass.


What is LastPass?

LastPass is an online password manager for both people as well and businesses that stores and remembers all of your logins and passwords for everything that you do on the web, from email and blogging to online banking.

Why Should I Use LastPass?

Have you ever tried to log into a website and just couldn't remember what you used for your login or password, to the point of utter frustration. LastPass is the tool that renders that frustration mute.

Who Uses LastPass?

Millions of people use LastPass, including big companies like CashStar Inc., GoodData, Truenorthlogic and Zirtual.

How Does LastPass Work?

LastPass is very simple to use since after you install the program, it does all the work for you. Once you download and install LastPass onto your computer and set up an account, all you have to do is browse the web as you normally do and as you login into various websites, LastPass will prompt you to save your logins and all online shopping profiles, generate new passwords and more so that the next time that you travel to these sites, LastPass will take care of the rest.

How Much Does LastPass Cost?

LastPass offer three different packages: a free package, a premium package and an enterprise package for business. The free package offer everything lists above while the premium package, which costs $12 a year, has everything in the free package plus unlimited use of LastPass' mobile apps along with ad-free options.

LastPass' enterprise package prices are based off of the number of employees that a particular company has and has all of the features of both the free and premium packages also has anti-phishing prevention along with a secure password generator, multifactor authenticator, AD/LDAP and API Integration and other features that increase a company's productivity securely.

Stand Out Benefits Of LastPass

Besides the convenience that LastPass provides with login and password management and protection, LastPass offers variously protection and security services that gives the user the peace of mind and the knowledge that when they are on the web, they will be safe and secure.

For more information on LastPass, visit their website.

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