The Real Value Your Workplace Safety Provides

Workplace safety is more important than keeping employee injury rates low. While you need to take extra steps and precautions to keep your employees safe when they are on the clock, you want to invest in employee safety programs to improve the overall workplace environment and keep your employees happy. Here's a closer look at the real value your workplace safety program provides:

Reduces Cost of Workers' Compensation Claims

Many employers pay a high price for workers' compensation claims. Whether the injuries sustained at work are from employer negligence or a random accident, you need to do everything you can to protect your workforce from injuries. Train workers on workplace safety, have resources and educational materials available for all workers, and take the time to conduct in-house safety checks to help keep these costs down — especially during busier production seasons.

Boosts Employee Morale

Employees who know their employer is taking steps to ensure a safe work environment and is dedicated to workplace safety will feel more confident about coming to work each day because they feel their employer truly cares about their health and well-being. This can boost employee morale and make it easier to retain top-quality candidates. Take the time to get new hires situated with your workplace safety program during orientation, and provide frequent updates to workers to maintain a safer workplace environment.

Attracts High-Quality Employees

When you're presenting your company to potential employees, highlight things like your comprehensive workplace safety program and low injury rates. Many candidates seeking manufacturing positions will be curious about your injury rates and workers' compensation claims history. Maintaining low rates of these types of incidents could help you attract high-quality employees.

If you are looking for ways to improve employee retention rates and hire better quality candidates, talk to the professionals at Bear Staffing. We can connect you with a qualified talent pool for all open positions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Workplace safety programs can reduce the cost of workers compensation claims
  • A solid workplace safety program can boost employee morale
  • Attract higher-quality employees by sharing information about your safety programs and low injury rates

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