Are Your Employees' Actions Putting Themselves and Your Company at Risk?

Keeping your employees safe and maintaining a safe work environment is always a priority but many employees may be failing to comply with OSHA rules and regulations when performing daily job tasks. If you are in charge of managing a manufacturing plant, warehouse floor or other industrial space, make sure your employees are complying with OSHA guidelines or risk workplace injuries and fines.

Here's a closer look at common OSHA violations and tips on how to avoid them:

Common OSHA Violations

Some of the most common OSHA violations include:

  • Failure to provide protection against falls
  • Failure to communicate chemical hazards in the workplace
  • Failure to meet safety requirements for scaffolding
  • Failure to maintain a respiratory protection program
  • Failure to control hazardous energy during servicing
  • Failure to maintain and operate industrial trucks safely
  • Failure to use step ladders and ladders safely
  • Failure to ground electrical equipment, wires and insulation
  • Failure to protect machines and employees exposed to blades and other machine parts
  • Failure to design and install safe electrical systems

These are all considered serious violations since there is a high risk of death or physical harm. Employers are expected to know of these hazards and take preventive measures to reduce the risk of injuries and death.

Tips to Avoid OSHA Violations

There are several things employers can do to avoid OSHA violations and maintain a safe workplace. These include:

  • Providing adequate training on all equipment and machinery
  • Ensuring all employees have completed OSHA training during orientation
  • Implementing safety checks as part of the daily protocol
  • Providing employees with safety checklists and other tools to ensure they are compliant with all safety guidelines and OSHA regulations
  • Testing employees regularly on OSHA safety knowledge
  • Staying up to date on OSHA changes and guidelines

If you need help understanding safety guidelines or recruiting talented employees who have been trained in safety protocols, turn to Bear Staffing for help. The firm can help you find top talent and provide tips for training and employee retention.

Key Takeaways:

  • Common OSHA violations can cause serious injuries and increase the risk of death in the workplace
  • Avoid OSHA violations by providing adequate training on all equipment and machinery
  • Implement safety checks as part of the daily protocol to reduce the risk of workplace injuries

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