Mobile Recruitment is on the Rise � Are You Ready?

Mobile Recruitment is on the Rise � Are You Ready?


Mobile recruitment is on the rise, and it's a great thing for you as an employer who needs positions filled pronto. People are so addicted to their mobile devices and now they're putting them to some good use (let's face it — there are better things to do with a smartphone than upload a picture of your lunch to Instagram). Woo hoo! What this means for you as an employer is that your company better be prepared for a surge of mobile addicted applicants to apply for your jobs at your company. So, if it's a challenge for them to apply due to your website not being mobile ready, I can see them applying elsewhere, especially if they are a Millennial that has minimal responsibilities and can afford to be picky where they apply.

Here are some facts that show how much mobile recruitment is plummeting up and up.

  • 35 to 40 percent of job seekers in 10 industries use mobile according to Career Builder.
  • Jibe Mobile did a study that showed of its survey takers, 86 percent of jobseekers who have a smartphone would use it to search for a job, 65 percent of which would search for available positions, and 47 percent would apply to a few jobs.
  • A 2011 article on noted that 19 percent of job seekers (at the time) used their mobile devices for career-related purposes.
  • In 2012, received 20 percent of its job applications through mobile for employers with mobile career sites.
  • According to Mashable, job seekers use their mobile phones to search for new jobs, receive job alerts, track application statuses, and more.

I personally don't ever advise job seekers to apply for jobs via anything but a computer because I feel there's more room for error. But whether I like it or not, it's going to happen. I do however approve of checking emails for job alerts and searching for jobs on a mobile device.

If you want to fill positions at your company, you need to give jobseekers what they want when it comes to applying. And right now, they want websites that are easy to apply with via mobile. A big complaint job seekers have is that career sites are not optimized for mobile (according to a Jibe Survey). Are you ready to be a hip new company that offers a mobile friendly website?

As a reminder, I must let you know that Bear Staffing can help with your recruiting needs — contact us. We specialize in filling manufacturing/industrial positions, administration support positions, and IT positions.

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