Get 100% Of Applicants With Dedicated Recruitment

What does Virtual Recruitment mean? Is it better than a brick-and-mortar staffing agency? Who does it work for? Should I switch my recruitment model to Virtual Recruitment?  

These are all great questions. And we’re more than happy to answer them for you.  

What is Virtual Recruitment?

Virtual Recruitment is, well, precisely what it sounds like: recruitment that is handled virtually. 100% of the application and recruitment process is done online. The applicant never steps foot into an office during any step of applying and being hired for an in-person position.  

Is it Better than Using a Brick-and-Mortar Staffing Company?

The ways we recruit and hire staff have changed. By working with the trends rather than sticking with the old ways of doing things, we are able to navigate market shifts and labor shortages. A brick-and-mortar staffing company works for some people but not for all. And we must find ways of recruiting for those companies it does not work for by shifting tactics. This is where Virtual Recruitment increases your applicant pool.  

With Virtual Recruitment, you are able to work directly with a recruiter who is pulling applicants from your region to fill your needs. They are a dedicated recruiter for your company. They are not working with another company or several other companies within your region, therefore you get 100% of the applicants the recruiter finds. Whereas a local recruiter might only give you 5% of applicants because they also have to find applicants for other jobs at other companies in your region.  


Not only that, but your dedicated recruiter can recruit and hire for multiple locations across multiple regions. They work for your company, not your geographical area. This creates both consistency and focus, ensuring that you are getting the most from your recruitment services.  

Instead of having 1 recruiter fill 100 openings at 20 companies, we think having 1 recruiter fill 5 roles at 1 company (yours) gives you a better return on your investment.  

Who Does Virtual Recruitment Work For?

While aspects of Virtual Recruitment can work for most companies and facilities, this model can best serve companies with low volume hiring needs. Say your facility in Dallas, TX needs 10 people to work at a distribution center. A recruiter based in Philadelphia, PA can handle your labor needs without you ever having to meet face-to-face. Our dedicated recruiters work directly with and for you to fulfill those positions. We offer facility-focused solutions to your workforce issues.  


Should I Switch to Virtual Recruitment?

Short answer? Yes. 

If your company or facility have a low volume recruitment need, it will benefit you to talk with one of our recruiters today. Rather than spending time screening massive amounts of candidates we should never place, Bear Staffing takes an exclusive approach to attracting and screening.  


With dedicated and strategic workforce solutions, Bear Staffing provides you with competent, enthusiastic, and effective applicants, allowing you to focus on your own clients’ needs. We find the talent you need when you need it.  

What Industries Do We Serve?  

While we can help with any recruitment need, we specialize in: 

  • Call Centers 
  • Distribution Centers 
  • Manufacturing 
  • Information Technology 

Find out if Virtual Recruitment is best for you by speaking to one of our representatives today.

Build your team better with Bear Staffing



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