5 Ways to Give Your Employees a Morale Boost

When you look over your employees, you want to see a happy, productive team. The ideal situation is everyone working in harmony towards a clear goal.  If that's not the case at your company, it's time to give them a morale boost.  Not sure where to start? Think you can only motivate with money? We've got five tips that are going to light a fire at your workplace and get everything back on track!

#1 Be Flexible

Flexibility isn't just for yoga teachers and circus performers! A modern workplace should be able to bend without breaking.  In fact, having a flexible workplace is a clear winner as the most important benefit. A whopping 75% of employees said it was the number one thing they desired in a job.  What does that mean for your company? Look for ways employees can get out of the 9-to-5 grind and still meet their goals.  Give them a half day or a mental health day. Let them work from home every once in a while if it's feasible.

#2 Give Them A "Why"

Ever do something and think "Why am I doing this?" Your employee probably has, too.  Give them a why! Giving them perspective on how big a part they play in the company lessens the feeling of being just a face in the crowd or a number on paper.  Once they know the "why", they'll feel more engaged. Engaged employees have a high retention rate - around 87% - that saves you time and money in the long run.

#3 Make Them Feel That They Matter

Here's another opportunity for a morale boost - celebrate milestones. There are tons of great ones out there.  Try these:

  • Birthdays - A signed card or a cake is a great gesture!
  • Employee of the Month - Got a star employee? Let them shine!
  • Anniversary - When an employee sticks with you, you know you're doing something right!

#4 Don't Be Afraid To Have Fun

No one wants to work in a grey-walled dungeon with sad brown carpeting. Loosen things up and try to make the office a bit more fun.  Have a cubicle decorating contest. Separate departments into teams and play trivia on the company whiteboard. Have random pizza parties.  These are just a few to get you started. Once you start thinking about how you can give your employees a creative morale boost, the ideas will start flowing!  

#5 Cultivate Positivity

Being positive doesn't come easy to everybody. Helping your employees cultivate an upbeat attitude is an excellent morale boost - but it can be tricky.  Take time to go over inspirational videos. Share positive stories with your employees.  And the best way to cultivate positivity? Model the behavior yourself; be the change you want to see.

Ready For A Morale Boost!

Now that you've got a few tips and tricks under your belt, it's time to use them in your workplace and reap the benefits. Need more employees to have a morale to boost? We've got you covered.  Check out our staffing resources for employers. We're sure to find the perfect employee to fit your job opening.

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