The Bear Blog

Bear Staffing Services | Staffing Agency

Written by Gary Johnson, COO | Oct 27, 2020 4:00:00 AM

You're likely no stranger to high turnover � given the nature of your industry.

All the same, achieving your ideal business outcome is about balance.

Yes, a company's model's success might depend upon operating in ways conducive to above-average turnover rates. That doesn't mean letting those numbers run amok will be beneficial. Almost all organizations need a core, lynchpin group that bolsters the culture and maintains streamlined operations.

It's become trickier than ever to attract and retain those all-stars. COVID-19 has presented employees across the world with endless uncertainties.

Part of that issue stems from layoffs at the beginning of the pandemic when businesses were establishing footing. When came time to bring back staff, they'd found work elsewhere. Of course, finding and training new people is part and parcel of running a business. However, focusing too many resources on this facet turns it into a drain.

If your organization has run into this issue, read below. This blog discusses 4 helpful strategies to attract and retain talent during and after COVID-19:

1. Prove Your Appreciation and Empathy Through Education

In April, one unnamed company met personally with all employees with school-aged children once the Emergency FMLA Expansion Act came out. The purpose was to inform them of their rights, available pay, and other company-based benefits that might help them.

The organization trained managers, giving them helpful direction on being open and compassionate with employees.

What can be taken from this example?

Companies that prioritize transparent communications and benefits-based (and other) education encourage engagement amongst staff.

Note that teams who score in the top 20% in engagement experience 59% less turnover than those ranked below.

2. Be Resourceful and Creative with Work

It's common knowledge that consumer behaviors in the wake of COVID-19 have shifted so drastically that many roles have become redundant, at least temporarily.

While keeping everyone on board during these times isn't always possible, there's an opportunity to prove how much you value your top performers. Meaning, it's time to change the nature of your best employee's work if their role has been neutralized by pandemic regulations.

That could mean giving these individuals projects previously outside of their scope, giving them support to work remotely, or other task-based reallocations.

After all, the best way to retain talent is by not laying them off in the first place.

3. Commit to Virtual Recruitment

There's no way to retain employees if you're unable to attract any in the first place.

As such, the last couple of suggestions will focus on attracting employees during and after COVID-19.

Right now presents a time when people are hurting financially � and they're often afraid to visit physical establishments.

You might run an organization that requires people to be physically present at your establishment to perform their duties. Regardless, that doesn't mean they should be forced to brave an in-person for a job they might not get.

On top of that, given the current economic landscape, forcing people to waste fuel or pay for public transportation comes across as unempathetic. This rings doubly true when it's clear to the masses that there's plentiful software available to conduct effective and successful virtual job interviews.

4. Embrace Social Media as a Recruitment Tool

Here's one clear lesson that the past decade has taught us: the world runs on social media.

Why not leverage the communicative powers provided by platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn?

Plus, there are platforms such as doximity, Meetup, Reddit, and that will broaden your search.

Another advantage of social media is that your employees can advocate for your employer brand on their feeds. Keep in mind that word-of-mouth will always be the most effective marketing technique. 92% of consumers believe suggestions from friends and family more than advertising.

Employees might not be “consumers,” but they must buy what you're selling to want to work for your organization.

Bonus Tip: Hire a Savvy and Skillful High-Volume Staffing Firm.

A well-honed and carefully crafted recruitment process can mitigate high turnover rates, as it ensures you land skillful, loyal employees.

Provided you're struggling with high turnover, don't try to overcome this issue on your own. Work with an experienced high-volume staffing firm, such as Bear Staffing, to help streamline and improve this process.