The Bear Blog

The Role of AI and AR In Recruiting and Staffing

Written by Gary Johnson, COO | May 18, 2022 5:59:00 PM

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, and AR, Augmented Reality, are becoming necessities in the Recruiting and Staffing worlds. Not only do they save time, but they also improve candidate pools from which to fill positions. Virtual Staffing Models have become the far more popular and utilizing AI and AR to filter and hire applicants is the wave of the future.

Artificial Intelligence  

What is artificial intelligence? It’s not what some people think of—a robot taking the place of a human. While it is essentially a robot doing the task of a human, in this instance it’s for the sake of the human. But it isn’t a robot. It’s software. And we interact with software in some form every day. From searching for someone’s name in our contact list to our email server recognizing spam, we already use artificial intelligence in our everyday lives.  

But how can AI help in recruitment and staffing?  

Manual Screening Versus Automated Screening  

Screening resumes takes time. A lot of time. The average recruiter may spend up to 20 hours sorting through resumes to fill one position. This is initially just to screen for incomplete applications. From there, they separate the under-qualified from the qualified. Once that process is complete, they have to isolate the candidates that meet more refined qualifications.  

Artificial Intelligence Software handles every step of that process in mere seconds. Instead of spending all that time, the recruiter will get a group of complete applications and qualified applicants.  

Chatbots and the Recruitment Process 

When someone is going through the application and recruitment processes, they have questions. Oftentimes these questions are repetitive and can be answered by a chatbot. If the applicant has questions about requirements, next steps, feedback, etc., the chatbot can answer their questions. This, too, will save the recruiter time. They won’t have to spend time helping with the earlier phases of recruitment or staffing and can instead focus on finding the best candidate from the pre-screened applicant pool.  

Not only do chatbots help answer questions, but they can prompt them as well. Want to screen out anyone who does not have at least 2 years' experience in a field? Prompt the application software to ask them the question and attach proof. Screening resumes, answering questions, and being able to field responses are enormous benefits to AI in recruitment and staffing.  


Augmented Reality  

What exactly is augmented reality? If you’re conjuring up an image of someone putting something over their eyes and bumping into walls accidentally while running away from a flock of birds, you’re a bit past what we mean.  

Augmented Reality in staffing is related to videos, whether static or interactive, that can help an applicant learn. An applicant can watch a simulation of a customer experience and at the end of it, choose which path they’d have taken. The responses are recorded and heavily considered during the application process. The applicant or hiree can also watch a video of a facility tour, showing them where they’ll be working and what spaces could be potentially dangerous, so they are prepared before showing up to their first day on the job.  


Past Problems of AI and AR in Recruiting and Staffing 

In the past, AI software for recruiting and staffing could result in unaccounted-for biases and leave room for employment discrimination. Software has come a long way since then and now focuses on direct qualifications instead of potential racial, ethnic, or gender-focused algorithms. While most software is appropriately coded for modern times, one must be prudent in how they prepare their algorithms.  


How to Ensure Proper Screening in Recruiting and Staffing Using AI and AR 

Some software is built around a particular skill set or educational background. If the algorithm is based on a 4-year college degree, you may be missing out on potential applicants who went to 2-year colleges, trade schools, or have other educational backgrounds. You want to ensure that you are including relevant education and experience without excluding anyone who has alternative education and experience. 


Make AI and AR Work for You 

Bear Staffing’s Virtual Staffing Model allows recruiters the time and focus to get your team the qualified, dedicated staff you need. By using Artificial Intelligence to screen resumes and applications, recruiters can ensure that whomever they are hiring for your workplace is enthusiastic and committed. By using Augmented Reality, you can forego normal interview processes that help you filter through people who aren’t the right fit for your business.