The Bear Blog

Bear Staffing Services | Staffing Agency

Written by Gary Johnson, COO | Nov 23, 2020 5:00:00 AM

Given the tumultuous year that has been 2020, it's no surprise that the change in societal behaviors is bound to impact projections for 2021.

The reliance on IT and various technologies have multiplied due to the pandemic, with remote work and the ability to predict trends reaching new heights.

These shifts and various factors are undoubtedly shaping new trends. However, which of these changes are here to stay?

This blog will highlight the IT trends that will stand the test of time. Furthermore, they should grab your attention heading into 2021.

1. Embracing Digitalization is Now Non-Negotiable

Back in the yesteryear, that was any time before January 2020, those failing to embrace digital philosophies still had their place…somewhat. Despite it being unadvisable, there was a way for such organizations to survive when actively choosing to remain behind the times.

Nowadays, it's impossible to survive � never mind thrive � without immersing your organization in digitalization.

Here's a list of sectors which seem most invested and intent on intensified tech adoption:

· Healthcare

· Pharma

· Digital services

· eCommerce

· Food commerce

· Delivery

· Telco

· Online education

A significant factor pushing many of these industries toward digitalization is the need to appeal to consumer behaviors. For instance, eCommerce is growing at unprecedented rates throughout the US. This skyrocketing expansion is reflected by some categories seeing 500% increases.

Consumers who've avoided overly digitalizing their life are starting to notice the value it brings them. Illustrating this fact is how 33% of consumers buying their groceries are doing so for the first time.

2. There's an Eruption of Available IT Talent

With the pandemic came cost-cutting measures from many companies, including those in the automotive and travel industries.

Thus, many IT talents will find themselves without work going into 2021. Don't expect that to be a permanent trend, with organizations finding their footing in the “new normal.”

Yes, automation undoubtedly is more prevalent than ever, but the most intricate tasks still require the human touch.

The demand for high-performing tech talent is reflected by McKinsey's analysis. This research indicates that 8.6 million people in the EU-28's public sector lacked the required digital skills by 2023.

Budget constraints will run rampant throughout companies, who need to bridge their tech gap to operate with the leanest possible framework. Therefore, sectors such as cybersecurity will see demand for their talents drastically increase.

3. Taking What's Complicated and Making it Straightforward

The IT sector's big-picture projections appear to be trending upward.

That doesn't mean complacency is acceptable. Given the damage done by the pandemic, many clients and consumers now present different pain-points and needs. They'll want processes to be simplified, streamlined, and more straightforward.

Tax systems, healthcare, and many other spaces will likely experience this evolution in simplification when the pandemic has reached its end.

Plus, the tech industry must contemplate the impact that social distancing will have on people's lives beyond COVID-19. Now, consumers have taken a thorough look at their values and consumption levels.

Such behavioral shifts potentially bring benefits and detriments to the IT sector. Digital adoption is occurring more rapidly than ever. Having the resources to keep up with this lightning-quick growth will prove challenging.

4. Talent Analytics

Moving into 2021, budgets might be scarce, and the required tech skills are lacking to keep up with IT-based demand amongst consumers.

One way to bridge this gap is through project-based hiring. Meaning, instead of bringing on someone to fill a broad role, you're aligning your strategy with the projects and initiatives within your organization.

When hiring people for specific projects, talent analytics reduces time and costs connected to in-house recruitment. Both hard and soft skills get measured with this methodology.

Your hiring strategy will play a significant role in dictating how your company performs in 2021 and beyond. Yes, understanding the future trends in your industry provides insights to help you succeed, but recruiting high-performing talent is what's most crucial.

Using all the resources available to you is a must in bringing on quality tech talent. At Bear Staffing, we have access to a vast, immensely skilled group of IT workers who will help your company thrive for generations to come. Contact us today!