The Bear Blog

Bear Staffing Services | Staffing Agency

Written by Gary Johnson, COO | May 27, 2016 4:00:00 AM

Is your workforce too rigid to succeed? Flexibility is key to staying competitive, but it can be hard to gain momentum while implementing new changes. You may face resistance from your employees, limited engagement, and other obstacles, but the benefits of a flexible workplace can greatly outweigh the challenges.

A more adaptable workplace improves your company's employee retention, team building, and can even encourage your employees to be more responsive and driven. Providing workplace flexibility will also attract top talent. The current workforce places workplace flexibility as a high priority. Over 37 percent of the current generation of workers would take a pay cut if it meant more flexibility at work. Flexibility must come from the top down, so we've come up with three simple steps for employers looking to build a more flexible workplace.

  1. Create a strategy.

Naturally, the first step of creating a more flexible workplace is coming up with a plan. Decide which options you would like to offer your staff, from telecommuting to flex time or customizable workspaces in the office. Consider whether these options will be available to both full and part-time staff, as well as the technology you'll need to make these adjustments possible. Each department in your company has its own unique needs, so factor this into your considerations rather than creating a “one-size-fits-all” solution.

  1. Establish a trial period.

You won't know how well your plan works until you try it, so give it a trial run of around one to two months with a select group of employees. Establish a way of monitoring their productivity, and gather consistent feedback throughout the process, both from the people involved and their co-workers. You can make adjustments as you go, or completely re-tool the strategy if it doesn't go as planned. This will help you fine-tune your flex plan and ensure that it can be implemented company wide.

  1. Encourage acceptance.

Many employees will hesitate to take advantage of flex options, often out of fear that their work performance will suffer or they will miss out on big career opportunities. Ensure your staff that they will not be penalized for utilizing these new flexible options, and that they won't be passed up for promotions or training as a result.

Of course, you shouldn't make participation mandatory, as not everyone will thrive under a flex plan. Instead, offer other opportunities for employees who opt out of the program. You might offer them the option to redesign their workspace to meet the physical or creative demands of their position. This will fuel productivity in the workplace and increase the efficacy of your newly flexible office.

With a more flexible workplace, you'll find that your staff is more responsive and more willing to adapt their schedules to the needs of the company. As a result, teams and departments will be strengthened and better able to perform in a thriving workplace. Use these three steps to build a more flexible workplace today. For more advice on topics such as building a flexible workforce, contact us today.